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Anchor 7

Make new friends and grow through small groups.



Receive an understanding of the importance of an effective equipping ministry and how you can volunteer to become a part of our equipping team.


Christian Life Development

Spiritual Gifts Assessment

Innovative Ministry Development

Connecting Community

Life Coaching

Leadership Development

Visionary Leadership



The ascent of Everest was not the work of one day, nor even those few unforgettable weeks in which we climbed...It is, in fact, a tale of sustained and tenacious endeavor by many  over a long period of time.


Scaled Mount Everest in 1953



The Work of Ministry


Equipping Leaders For Maximum Impact

We  would like to invite you to one of our growth groups.  Find people with similar likes and dislikes and begin to form meaningful relationships in an atmosphere of trust, joy, and personal development.
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